Peneroplis planatus  (Fichtel & Moll, 1798)
Class: Miliolata  Subclass: Miliolana  Order: Soritida  Family: Peneroplidae
found on the  Bunaken Bastianos
   Celebes Sea   Indonesia
Geological Time: Quaternary  Holocene  recent
the raw material is provided by Miriam Mende and the specimen is picked and photographed by
The identification is based upon:
 Debenay, Jean-Pierre, 2012:  A guide to 1,000 Foraminifera from the Southwestern Pacific New Caledonia.   380 pp. Plate 4, Fig. 
dataset number: FEU-1016728
Citation: Hesemann, M., The Database (2024). Accessed at on 2024-05-08. doi: 10/dt5p