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Technitella legumen

Lectotype and illustrative example of specimens of Technitella legumen
in the Collections of the Natural History Museum, London.
10. from a station 30 miles west of Valentia, 112 fathoms
11. from the Earland Collection, Goldseeker Haul. 141, 260m, Hilte Fjord, Norway.    Taxon Profile                     

Images are shown with permission and thanks to Michael A. Kaminski,
the Natural History Museum London (copyright-holder) and Grzybowski Foundation. The images are made by Andrew S. Henderson with the NHM Palaeontology imaging system.

10. Lectotype of Technitella legumen Norman, 1878, from Norman Collection, ZF 3628 (slide labeled Holotype), Scale bar = 241 µm.
11. Specimen of Technitella legumen from Earland Collection, preserved in Canada balsam, slide 1957.11.14.650, scale bar = 294 µm.

The classification is by: MICHAEL A. KAMINSKI, CLAUDIA G. CETEAN and ANDREW S. HENDERSON in Lectotypes of type species of Agglutinated Foraminiferal Genera in the Collections of the Natural History Museum, London. Part 1. Astrorhizina and Saccamminina in Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Agglutinated Foraminifera edited by Kaminski; Coccioni as Grzybowski Foundation Special Publication NO 13, PG 63-77, 2008
      Technitella legumen, Lectotype Natural History Museum, London